Hello. First of all an apology to those who've already joined our happy band for 2015. If you are one of these discriminating and generous people please read no further. This is an aide memoire/nudge to winkle out a few more decisions and, more importantly, cheques so we'll be ready to roll in March. Yes, we're almost half way through February already and Spring is beckoning. I suspect most of you are intending to re-join but just haven't got round to it yet. If you'd like to join us please send a cheque for £24 made payable to Lydney Tennis Club and post into the clubhouse box or to me Julia Goss, 4 Meadow Close, Viney Hill, Lydney, Glos Gl15 4 NX There's no obligation, of course, and if you'd rather not join this year that's fine - just let me(or Martin) know. I'll wait a week and then ring anyone who hasn't contacted me to find out what you'd like to do. Contact me on Dean 517117 or [email protected] Regards Julia |