Hi All
Junior-Senior Tournament
A reminder that this event follows our 'Open Day' next Saturday and starts at 2.30.
To enter, either contact Caroline: [email protected] or sign up on the notice which is on the Junior Notice Board in the club house.
The seniors don't need to be club members for this tournament and if you are a junior who would like to play but don't have a partner, add your name and we will find a partner for you.
Please enter by Thursday 10th.
The Ann Bayliss Tournament Saturday 19th July (2pm)
The next tournament on the calendar is the one played in memory of former member, Ann Bayliss.
This tournament is open to senior and older junior members of the club and the format will hopefully allow for results to count towards players' ratings.
If you would like to enter, please contact Caroline or sign up on the notice on the main Notice Board by Thursday 17th July.
Martin Godwin
Junior-Senior Tournament
A reminder that this event follows our 'Open Day' next Saturday and starts at 2.30.
To enter, either contact Caroline: [email protected] or sign up on the notice which is on the Junior Notice Board in the club house.
The seniors don't need to be club members for this tournament and if you are a junior who would like to play but don't have a partner, add your name and we will find a partner for you.
Please enter by Thursday 10th.
The Ann Bayliss Tournament Saturday 19th July (2pm)
The next tournament on the calendar is the one played in memory of former member, Ann Bayliss.
This tournament is open to senior and older junior members of the club and the format will hopefully allow for results to count towards players' ratings.
If you would like to enter, please contact Caroline or sign up on the notice on the main Notice Board by Thursday 17th July.
Martin Godwin